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- Whatever Happened to Freddie Mercury
- Who was Freddie Mercury and why does Axl Rose think Queen is greatest band and Freddie is the greatest frontman of all time?
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- Whatever Happened to Justin Timberlake?
- Justin Timberlake was the hottest singer with the biggest hits. Then, in 2004, he was in the middle of the a huge controversy. Where has he been?
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- Whatever Happened to Julia Roberts?
- Julia Roberts was a popular actress in the early 2000s, but what happened to here. Find out what she is doing today.
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- Spilledink.com Privacy Policy
- Spilledink.com uses cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. This includes personalizing content for advertising. Your continued use of our site indicates your acceptance of this policy.
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- Just for Writers - Inspiration, Creativity, and How To
- Instead of pencils, I enjoy writing pens, ballpoint pens, lined notebooks and journals for writing. Although, I eventually tidy it up with Microsoft Word on my laptop.
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- Not Thunder, But Closer
- Jane is anxious waiting her boyfriend to arrive and walk her home from work. The thundering storm outside the small shop rattled her. Although she didn't want to go outside, but she had to. A story by Xiaoxiao Meng.
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- Wonder Woman starring Gal Godot — watch as soon as possible
- Wonder Woman (2017) directed by Patty Jenkins and starring Gal Gadot is an epic origin story of the Amazonian warrior's transformation into inspiring hero. This addition to the DC Universe is highly rated Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes by both critics and fans.
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- The Book Thief is an AMAZING read!
- The Book Thier is a critically acclaimed best seller. As WWII ravages Europe, courage drives a young girl to steal books from a private library to share with her brother and a Jewish refugee her family is hiding in the basement.
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- American Gods — the modern mythology of Americana
- Shadow did his time quietly waiting for the day when he could return to Eagle Point, Indiana. All he wanted was to be with Laura, the wife he deeply loved, and start a new life.
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- Harry Potter and His Fandom of Books and Movies
- Harry Potter has no idea he is famous — and a wizard. His muggle aunt and uncle fear and mistreat him. Everything changes when Harry is summoned to attend an infamous school for wizards, Hogwarts.
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- X-Men film series featuring Professor X (Patrick Stewart) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman)
- This series of superhero movies is based on the fictional team originally appearing in Marvel Comics.
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- Your go-to guide for the Academy Awards 2017
- Want to know all about the 89th Academy Awards Ceremony 2017 and the HUGE mishap and incident? Click through for our recap.
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- Book Review of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child PART 1 & 2
- Mary Kane reviews Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, shedding light on this best selling release by J.K. Rowling
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- Remembering the artist known as Prince 1958-2016
- Everyone is saying it, 2016 sucks. Please stop taking our musical heroes. Ain't that the truth! It's April 21 and we lost yet another one-of-a-kind, too-good-to-be-true musical geniuses. A REAL genius.
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- Remembering David Bowie 1947-2016
- David Bowie's death was a huge shock to me. It was that I was the mega-fan but that he was , without, one of the greatest contributors and influences to contemporary music.
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- Rapture in Las Vegas
- When his plane crashes in Vegas Curtis learns Las Vegas is on fire. Is this the end of the world.
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- Three ways to beat the heat starting with iced coffee
- Oh boy was it hot tonight! A glass of iced coffee is one of three things you can make to cool down.
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- The Fault in Our Stars
- John Green delivers a wonderful tale about Hazel, a teenager recovering from cancer -- but this is not a cancer book. It's a book about inner AND outer exploration of life.
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- Fitbit Wireless Pedometer and Fitness Tracker
- The Fitbit wireless fitness tracker displays your steps, floors climbed, miles traveled, calories burned, and activity score right on the device with the touch of a button. Track your eating and exercise activity.
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- Journey versus Dawn of the Dead
- Mashups of movies and rock and roll are spiritual and transcending. Everyone knows about Pink Floyd and The Wizard of OZ, but do they know about Journey's zombie ballads?
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- Do pictures have a temperature? Do they make you hot or cold?
- There are many ways to interpret photography. Sometimes innocence can lead us down paths we cannot see. What do you see when you look at photography?
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- Steve Jobs, the biography, by Walter Isaacson
- Steve Jobs, the ultimate icon of inventiveness and applied imagination, connected creativity with technology unlike no other in his time. Based on dozens of interviews with Jobs, as well as interviews with family, friends, colleagues and adversaries.
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- Katniss vs Kirk -- Thrown together by the need to survive.
- Humorous motivational poster of the the ultimate match of The Hunger Games heroine Katniss and Star Treks Captain Kirk
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- What is SOPA?
- The problem with SOPA is not that it is trying to stop websites that are distributing pirated content, but that is poorly worded and would make legitimate use of copyright protected material illegal. Sign the petition today.
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- The American Taco Stand
- A playful analogy of the tax system in the United States. American's fixate on the percentage rate of taxation rather than the quantity of dollars it represents.
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- Top 10 Banned Books
- ALA's annual list of the books most often requested to be banned.
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- Amazon's California Sales-Tax Reprieve Is Approved by Brown 9.23.2011
- Brown's signature on the bill ends a stare-down with Amazon over a June law treating affiliates - digital billboards - the same as brick-and-mortar stores that collect the state sales tax.
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- Observing September 11, 2001, ten years later.
- What does mourning an event that occurred ten years ago achieve? Has 9/11 become a pathetic display of misdirected patriotism?
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- Meandering Through This Urban Wilderness
- Terence Curtis delivers prose of vivid imagery describing a chance encounter with romantic crush at local bar and disco. The Alum Rock Writer's Group lauded this poem as one of his best ever.
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- How to remove spilled ink
- Spilled ink sucks. The ink stains leave spots that are difficult to remove. Here are a few tips for removing ink spots.
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- Spilled Ink's List of Charities
- Spilled Ink, more than anything, believes that its our individual responsibility to help others when we can and without the compulsion of a tax collecter backed by a military. Please, please, please find it in your heart to support one of them.
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- Taxing the rich more will not fix a broken budget - it will waste even more money than what is wasted today.
- Warren E. Buffett complains he didn't pay enough taxes. Not once in his half-thought tax the rich diatribe does he call for fixing a broken budget.
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- All I want to do is see you again — is that too much to ask for?
- Featured on Depeche Mode's second album, See You was the band's great hit to date. This electronic is just many of the dozens of great electronic dance songs.
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- 5 Things to Know About Domain Names
- Since the early 1990s we have used the phrase "domain name" to refer to the name of a website. Yet, do we know what it represents?
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- Death from Asbestos — the story of Mesothelioma
- What is Mesothelioma? I have seen dozens of commercials from lawyers on TV and I had no idea what it was. This is the story of mesothelioma and the cancer-death asbestos causes.
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- List of the 2011 MTV Movie Awards Winners
- This years collect of esoteric awards given to movies, actors and actress by the MTV crowd. The nominees usually feature this years Hollywood favorites of teenagers to twenty-something year olds. Don't let anyone over 30 into the room while watching!
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- Are you hypnotized by the tweet of a little blue bird?
- Discover the meaning of logo of a little blue bird on the window of your local coffee shop and awakened the entrepreneur inside of you with the notion of tweeting for profit.
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- I think you will enjoy the movie "Leaves of Grass" (2010)
- A college professor excelling in academia struggles with the reality of his pot-growing brother and hippie mother. Stars Edward Norton, Tim Blake Nelson.
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- I just watched Clive Barker's The Plague on Crackle.com
- Image a world where all the children are zombies. Totally awesome, man!
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- Top 10 Superbowl Articles on Mashable
- ONe of my favorite blogs is a geiser of Superbowl articles this year. Check out this list and I bet you'll become a Mashable fan too.
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- Sarah Palin Shoots Congresswoman Giffords
- Political created to illustrate the rampant conspiracy theory that Sarah Palin is to blame for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' shooting in Tuscan, Arizona
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- My question is who is Kristen Stewart?
- A random status on Facebook inspires a lighthearted rant about a successful young actress with many films to boast.
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- Top 12 Movies Title Torrent Searches of 2010
- A list of the most popular searches for movie titles on the peer-to-peer file sharing networks in 2010.
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- Amazon.com's "Best of 2010" Lists
- Amazon released its "Best of" lists for 2010. Three lists are featured: Bestselling Products of 2010, Most-Wished-For Products of 2010, Most Popular Gift Products of 2010
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- 25 Movies with Artistic, Cultural or Historical Significance
- National Film Preservation Board Selects 25 Movies to add to the National Film Registry. The Empire Strikes Back, The Exorcist, Saturday Night Fever, and Airplane! are among movies selected in 2010 for preservation. See the complete 2010 list.
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- Copyblogger's 10 Tricks For Getting Inspired to Write
- Beat writer's block with this top 10 list of tricks to regain your writing inspiration.
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- Just for Writers - A Collection of Books for Inspiration and Publishing
- Spilled Ink has created an Amazon aStore of a select collection of books for inspiration, beating writer's block, and getting published.
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- Palin, Her Gaffes Second to One: Obama
- An editorial discussing the pointless harassment of Palin and her gaffes. The ridicule only perpetuates her career. President Obama and Vice President Biden are also known for their Gaffes.
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- Web Designers versus Web Developers
- An amusing info-graphic that both tickles and informs. Created by @shanesnow for Wix.com
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- Earth Swallows Miners Again - 27 Miners Trapped Mine Disaster
- The latest mining disaster to to capture the world's attention is New Zealand.
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- Top 5 Favorite Will Rogers Quotes
- Will Rogers was a popular entertainer, satirist, and humorist in first half of the 1900s.
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- I Farted on the Train
- A humorous short poem about farting on the train.
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- Find the Best Deals Online via Daily Deal Websites
- Find the best deals online via deal-a-day sites offering daily deals on a variety of products such as restaurants, movies, events and tickets, travel, spas, clothing, and electronic gadgets.
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- Watching Fall Season 2010 TV Show Premiers
- There are a variety of new shows on television this fall season. Most likely you will enjoy several of them!
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- Internet Usage Statistics By OnlineSchools.org
- Online Schools has put together an info-graphic of internet web site usage statistics.
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- How to Write a Classified Ad
- Spilled Ink has put together keep tips and resources for writing a classified ad. Try Spilled Ink's Free Classified Ads today.
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- Remembering Dennis Hopper - 1936 to 2010
- Spilled Ink remembers Dennis Hopper by featuring his appearance on Inside The Actor's Studio and a top 10 list of his best movies. Dennis Hopper passes away on Memorial Day Weekend, 2010.
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- The Big Bang Theory - The Friendship Algorithm Video Clip"
- The Big Bang Theory's episode, The Friendship Algorithm, where Sheldon tries to make new friends is one of Spilled Ink's favorite TV episodes!
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- Pretty Little Liars (2010) - TV Review
- Series premier on ABC Family. Four friends are reunited one year after their best friend goes missing.
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- Top 10 Memorial Day Movie Classics
- Spilled Ink has put together twelve of its favorite war movies available on Amazon.com to celebrate the United States and its fallen heroes on Memorial Day.
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- Mr. Wookcock — Everyone takes P.E., few survice
- Billy Bob Thorton plays an adult bully gym teacher (suprise!) and torments the son of the woman he is dating who is also a former student (Seann William Scott). This film is not a favorite on Rotten Tomatoes.
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- The Last Station. Intoxicating. Infuriating. Impossible. Love.
- The Last Station is an international best seller about the last year of Leo Tolstoy's life from the point of view of his lover, his wife, his daughter, his publisher and best friend — and his doctor.
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- My Best Friend's Girl. Crude. Lewd. Rude. And very funny.
- Tank (Dane Cook) to take out his roommate's (Jason Biggs) girl friend, Alexis (kate Hudson) and be a jerk to her in order to make her love the roommate more. Guess what happen next in the this crude and rude romantic comedy!
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- Strange Wilderness — endless silliness
- This wacky comedy about a wilderness enthusiast (Steve Zahn) in search of mystical creature to revive his failing reality show. This low-brow ridiculousness is suprisingly amusing and endlessly silly.
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- Top 10 Photos, Paintings, Illustrations
- Selected of collection images hosted on Flickr.com. Tag your image "spilledink" to be included.
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- Michelle Phan's Make-over How-to Tim Burton Look - Spilled Ink's Featured Top 10 Videos from YouTube
- Makeup application by Michelle Phan inspired by Tim Burton celebrating his lighthearted romantic-gothic style.
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- Top 10 Photos, Paintings, Illustrations
- Selected of collection images hosted on Flickr.com. Tag your image "spilledink" to be included.
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- Home Buying Tips & Tricks
- Learn how to buy a home from leading finance advice sites and Mike Caplan Real Estate.
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- 10 Movie Favorites from the past year (2009-2010)
- Spilled Ink has put together a list of favorite movies from the past year (2009-2010). These are movies that had made and impact.
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- Guadalupe River of California
- Photo collection of the Guadalupe River in Santa Clara Country, California.
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- Spilled Ink - About Us and Guidelines
- Attention! Spilled Ink is a journal of creative thought, is comprised of poetry, short fiction, essay; and featuring photos, free classified ads, cool stuff, howto, deals, book reviews, movie reviews
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- California energy deregulation leads to phony energy crisis.
- The Power crisis in CA after deregulating the energy crisis feels like a SCAM; smells like a SCAM. Maybe I have been watching
X-Files too long. Maybe I have been the victim of moral-less Big Business too long. I do know
that having my power out (lik
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